MORE than 200million people are facing a fresh lockdown in China as the Communist Party rollout draconian new restrictions despite just a handful of cases. Some 28 cities – including the viru…
Quarantine camps, food shortages. cops seizing people's homes, tags on Covid patients, and drones policing the streets have all been seen across China.And yet the caseload in China is claimed to have been comparatively low throughout the entirety of the pandemic.
But the West has rolled out much more effective vaccination programs, making countries such as Britain better equipped to deal with any spikes in infections. China has not recorded a single Covid death since May - and from April 2020 to April 2022 it only recorded six deaths.Wuhan was the guinea pig as China pioneered the idea of "lockdowns" - with the 76-day shutdown becoming the template followed by cities from London to New York to Melbourne.
It is suggested the virus could have jumped from one species to another before then mutating to infect humans.WIV was home toChina has always angrily denied these allegations - and the"I don't know what to do. If we can still survive living like this then I suppose that's what we'll do," one Wuhan resident told"When we see these news stories about Covid, we now feel a bit numb. We feel numb to it all.